Hints & tips

Work with Fullrecall regularly

Using FullRecall every day is best. It's better to spend every day 1 minute learning with FullRecall, than spending 7 minutes every 7 days. Also note that FullRecall schedules reviews with 1 day resolution, but learning regularly even without the software pays off.

Don't be negligent during repetitions

Even if we remember a fact well, it's good to spend at least a few seconds thinking about it (the best would be to use a association using imagination here — some mnemonics) before going to a next item.


After some time (e.g. a month), we may have a feeling that we don't learn much and that it's hard to learn anything with FullRecall — we have so many repetitions and serious problems with recollecting answers. Remember that FullRecall doesn't repeat us items we remember well, but only these hard to remember that we're close to forgetting. In our learning process there are probably many elements that we do remember well — they are just not shown to us in order to not waste our time.

Keep questions and answers as short and simple as possible

Every time we repeat an item (and we can expect about 30-50 total repetitions of every item) we have to read a question and an answer. The shorter the question and answer are, the less time we waste on the item. Note that we should spend some time on every item, but instead of spending it on reading, it's better to be thinking about an association of question with answer – it will reinforce our remembering of this item.

Choose wisely what to remember

Not everything is worth keeping in our memory, even though we can retain it in our memory (with help of FullRecall) relatively cheaply. Some facts are better off on paper, on notebook, phone, or remain accessible though www, than in our memory and FullRecall database. This is because there is a price to pay for keeping something in memory (time spend on reviews, even though they are scheduled on optimal days, and interference with other information) and for some facts (i.e., facts we won't use much in the future) it won't pay off. It's up to us to judge what it's worth retaining in memory. Our judgment and priorities may change in the future—we shouldn't hesitate to delete from database elements we think are not worth keeping in our memory anymore.
On the other hand, keeping in memory facts remembered a long time ago is cheap (in terms of time spend on necessary reviews); it's the first days, weeks and months of keeping an information in memory that we pay the highest price for keeping it in memory; the longer we keep something in memory, the less price we pay for keeping it even longer (i.e., scheduled reviews are separated by many months and even years).

Closed eyes can help to remember

Closing eyes while recollecting an information, can help bring it back from memory12.

Other tips

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